V1.3 Update Dev Diary and Changelog

Hey folks!

Got a new update for ya!

You can now name your creature at teh start if ytou so choose! And iut has soem fun default names too. And you can refuse to name your creature entirely if you wish aswell!

I also made several other changes. Inluding but not limited to, further making the history it spits out more interesting and continuing to move the in game text into block files!

(WHich also means the logs are more interesting too since when I move them to block files I usually add many possible versions of the logs it randomizes with. )

I still haven't added the ghosts. But I swear i plan too heh.

Everything is coming togther nicely even if its a bit slow to move all the text to block files.


-Can name creature now.

-Improved and more interesting Logs.

-More interesting Canon To Read.

-Fixed typos


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2 days ago

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