DR4X Weekly Changelog #16: 10/22/2021

So, some graphical and qol tweaks, and new smart AI toggle in skirmish. AI improvements, new sounds, a lot of bug fixes.

Gameplay and UI

- Graphical changes to rust spitters

--Add tentacles to queen

--Add tentacles to major

--Add tentacles to repletes

--Made acid drip from their mouths

--Changed rust spitter color scheme

-New secretty secret things, specifically two of them, also more lore, also more hints

-Did some minor ai improvements to prevent ai from wasting resources by clicking infest than crime more than once etc

-Can no longer queue up new commands after an upgrade is queued as the queue is cleared upon the upgrade

-Sped up AI exploration algorithm

-Ai attacking optimizations

-Added move sounds

Bug Fixes

-Fixed tech bug where techs would be applied to things they shouldn't be applied to resulting in super powered cultists and other weirdness

-Fixed bug where if an enemy phantom spawned on a hideout you couldn't attack it

-Added smart wildlife/bandits toggle to skirmish which makes games where its just you versus wildlife or you versus bandits or there are a significant amount of bandits more challenging/interesting.

-Fixed bug with acidic ruin

-Fixed visual bug with rats nest


-Added more expedition rewards/punishments

Suggestion for testers

-Do a good deed or something. Because most of these changes this week don't affect gameplay all that much lol, also tell your friend about my game and get them to wishlist it.

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