This game is more then it seems...

Hey folks!

Long time no see! Originally, I was just going to post this once and forget about it—after all, it was mainly me learning Unity before diving into work on DR4X. And fun fact: you can actually find this game hidden as an Easter egg in DR4X. Bet you didn't know that!

I've updated the game description to explain things better and hopefully encourage more of you to give it a try.

I know it might feel like you're facing the same encounter over and over at first, but trust me, it changes over time. And that specific is now partially reflected in the description.

Have fun playing as a fish!

In a kingdom where the red tides once hid a secret tale,
A humble fish swam in the waters brave and small and pale.
Whispers now echo from a deeper depth, something new..
A surge of ambition,  a realm born anew...

Can you guess what’s coming next?

(As you can see Im not a poet nor a riddlest lol oh well)

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